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Video Content Marketing

Video Content Marketing

‘Video is more than something we can watch, leaning back in our chairs. It’s also increasingly something we can interact with – leaning forward, and engaged’. – Ann Handley (Chief Content Officer @ Marketing Profs) Interactivity opens up a door to...
Best Last Minute Places to Shop for Christmas Gifts

Best Last Minute Places to Shop for Christmas Gifts

We hate to break it to you, but Christmas will be here in less than two weeks! You only have a few days left to find the perfect gifts for everybody on your Christmas shopping list. Never fear, our Vancouver marketing agency, CastleCS, has compiled the best places for...
Today’s Most Popular Social Media

Today’s Most Popular Social Media

Social media is the most popular means of staying connected with people online. This is why there are so many different social networking sites. As a matter of fact, building your social media presence can take a whole lot of time given the number of different...