Social media is the most popular means of staying connected with people online. This is why there are so many different social networking sites. As a matter of fact, building your social media presence can take a whole lot of time given the number of different websites. While there are definitely those that you frequent, there’s so many of them nowadays that it can be confusing as to which ones you should join and maintain. To help you out and choose which ones you like, here are today’s most popular social media and a brief explanation of what they do.
First we have FaceBook. It is definitely one of the most popular social media sites today. This website allows you to create a profile of your own where you can place your personal information, upload photos and share with others on your interests. You can connect with your friends in Facebook and begin communicating with them and sharing with them different events in your life.
Another popular social media is Twitter. Twitter works by allowing it’s users to send short messages consisting of 140 text characters. These messages, or “tweets” either communicate with other users or tell them about what a person is doing right now. This is called microblogging and the short messages allow for easy to read updates and makes sure only important information is in the message. Your twitter profile will have followers, these are other users who have subscribed to your updates and they will see your tweets when you update them.
While relatively young compared to the previous two, Pinterest quickly became a popular social media site. Pinterest, as its name suggest, is like a pinboard website where in a user will “pin” anything and everything they find interesting over the internet. It’s different as users can only pin images to their board which gives their followers a visual update rather than just texts.
While there are many more really popular social media sites today, you don’t need them all. Just focus on the ones you need or want and also choose the ones where in you have the most people to connect with. Social media is only fun if you interact with others.