Do You Have Marketing Questions?
What is Search Engine Marketing? Why should my business get a Facebook Account? What is Direct Mail Marketing?
You have all the questions, we have all the answers. Here’s the second edition of the “CastleCS Ask an Expert” blog series, where we regularly feature some of the most popular topics and themes in today’s marketing and advertising world.
This week we spend some time discussing the importance of ROI, Search Engine Optimization and more:
What is ROI?
Return on Investment is similar to the principle of cost-effectiveness and it simply means that your investment has actually made you money by practically paying for itself and generating leads or customers. Eye-catching branding and brand messaging, attention-grabbing messaging and online video marketing are examples of great ROI advertising solutions offered at CastleCS.
Why is SEO such a buzz word?
Search Engine Optimization means that your business website is written and developed following strict SEO principles to show on the first page of search engine results, most notably on Google, and is an essential marketing tool. A first page rank increases your business’s visibility and generates more potential clients and more traffic to your website. The majority of internet-savvy customers don’t generally click to page 2 of results but instead choose a business that suits their needs from the page 1 ranks.
How do I get my clients to stay with my company?
Rewards are essential to creating a happy customer-business relationship. Depending on your budget and the nature of your business, you can offer exclusive discounts, loyalty points, AIR MILES reward miles and coupons to your customer base. Email and social media exclusive discounts are also a great way to build rapport with your clients and ensure their satisfaction. Referral rewards are another way to entice customers to recommend your business and grow your client base so don’t neglect rewards marketing for your business.
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