If you want to stay ahead of the marketing game and generate interest, clients and revenue for your business, you know it’s essential to have:
- business video with engaging, informative content
- a brand that clicks with consumers and potential consumers
- a fully-optimized desktop website
- entertaining social media content
- a marketing partner that knows you and your business
- a mobile website
If you’re wondering why you should invest in a mobile website on top of your user-friendly desktop website, the marketing experts at Vancouver marketing agency CastleCS would love to share with you our top 3 reasons why mobile websites matter and why they’re essential if you want your business to stand out from the crowd.
#1. Accessibility
Mobile websites are designed with a mobile device in mind – they’re thumb-friendly, incredibly easy to navigate and invite your clients and potential clients to explore and interact with your business. A desktop website that isn’t optimized for mobile devices will frustrate mobile users – and frustrated users won’t purchase your products and services–causing you significant loses in revenue and business credibility.
#2. Mobile Device Popularity
Research estimates that by 2013, more people will rely on their mobile devices for information and local business searches rather than on traditional devices such as laptops and desktop computers. However, you still need to cater to all segments of the market so it’s important to have both a desktop website that’s specifically designed for desktop navigation, and a mobile website that’s simple, intuitive and mobile user-friendly.
#3. Mobile Websites are a New, Cost-Effective Venture
A mobile website for your business is a sound investment. At the moment, your competition might not have a mobile website and you could successfully gain a slice of their business if you cater to mobile users – now. Get an edge over the competition with customized mobile website that allows users to access your information and services quickly and effectively.
Take your business to the Next Level with mobile marketing and contact CastleCS Vancouver Marketing Agency today to become the go-to business for on-the-go customers.