Why Smart Businesses Invest in Professional Content Management: Part 2
In Part I of Why Smart Businesses Invest in Professional Content Management, we focused on how Professional Content Management (PCM) helps businesses separate from the pack, add desirable high-margin new customers, and elevate to the next level.
And we also confirmed that the PCM Do-it-Yourself (DIY) route typically leads to disaster in the form of wasted costs, missed opportunities and reputation damage.
So in light of these facts, the next question is: what is the most efficient, cost-effective and strategically intelligent way for a success-oriented business to reap the rewards of PCM? That is, how does it go from where it is now, to where it wants to be tomorrow?
The answer to that is resoundingly clear: connect with an expert PCM Partner.
Why an Expert Professional Content Management Partner Makes ALL the Difference
There’s no single reason why a professional PCM Partner makes all the difference between success and failure — because there are seven reasons; with each one carrying enough weight and substance to stand on its own. They are:
1. An Expert PCM Partner Protects and Enhances a Business’s Image
The difference between the content that an amateur produces and what an expert PCM Partner produces isn’t subtle. It’s not a matter of degree of emphasis. Rather, it’s more like those “before and after” pictures in commercials or magazines; the ones that are so blatant, glaring and dramatic, that they create a sense of amazement – even awe. Well, customers are just as awestruck when they’re engaged by what an expert PCM Partner produces – and woefully unimpressed when they’re greeted by amateur output. What’s more, they use these impressions to form lasting opinions about a business’s image – and image MATTERS more than ever before! A premium image is priceless and elevates a business far beyond the pack. An inferior image is toxic and spirals a downwards on a trajectory from which it may never recover.
2. An Expert PCM Partner Puts a Business on “Top of the Web”
Google may be a search engine by name, but it’s so much more than that. It’s an astonishingly powerful – and extraordinarily complex – automated dynamic filter that systematically enforces high standards for authentic, engaging and relevant content. An expert PCM Partner integrates leading-edge SEO knowledge, digital copywriting expertise, and content mapping best practices to ensure that a business rises to the “top of the web” and is positioned in front of the high-margin customers it needs to reach. On the other hand, unprofessional content has the opposite effect: it condemns a business to the bottom of the heap and, for all intents and purposes, exiles it off the digital map altogether.
3. An Expert PCM Partner Sets a Business Apart
To succeed in a competitive marketplace, every successful business needs unique value propositions. But an overwhelming number of them settle for two out of three. That is, they have value propositions — but they aren’t unique. Rather, they look, sound and feel just like every other competitor. In a word, this is fatal. When a business is perceived by customers as being “just like everyone else,” they make decisions based solely on price. An expert PCM Partner ensures that a business’s value propositions are unique, compelling, strategically defined and effectively promoted, so that attracts new high-margin customers who want a premium offering from a distinguished leader. And all of this happens as the competition fades into a melting pot of commodities, racing to the bottom as they’re forced to compete on price and price alone.
4. An Expert PCM Partner Protects a Business from Surprises
Surprises are fine for birthday parties – but they’re bad for business. In fact, surprises can derail a successful business with such power and speed, that it may take years to recover, if ever. An expert PCM Partner protects a business from surprises by knowing well in advance what’s coming on the horizon – whether it’s an imminent change to Google’s algorithm, a hot new social media tool, an emerging communication channel, a little-known messaging strategy, and so on. And whether the change is something positive (to be exploited) or negative (to be avoided), businesses can rest assured knowing that contingencies, strategies, tactics and a customized portfolio mix are in place to “expect the unexpected” and turn it into an advantage while the competition struggles to find their feet.
5. An Expert PCM Partner Saves Time, Money and Achieves ROI
The difference between an investment and an expense is that the former is a shrewd and profitable move, and the latter is an unwelcome development where “less is definitely more.” An expert PCM Partner has the knowledge and experience to craft a customized content plan and solutions mix that achieves ROI — instead of drains budgets. At the same time, a professional PCM Partner knows how to quickly change course to get ahead of positive trends, protect against negative ones, and stay several steps ahead of the competition.
6. An Expert PCM Partner Takes an Integrated Approach
A business’s content doesn’t exist in a vacuum outside of its other marketing, advertising and communication initiatives. Unfortunately, that’s the “method” that amateur consultants use when they’re trying to maximize billing and minimize accountability. An expert PCM Partner has the end-to-end systems, personnel, technology and expertise to seamlessly integrate PCM with a business’s other campaigns, so that each initiative and project is lean, efficient and enables a better overall outcome with lower costs.
7. An Expert PCM Partner is a Team Member – not a Mere Provider
Just as successful investors have a trusted advisor on their team who wisely steers them towards successful outcomes – and away from where the uninformed masses are heading – successful businesses benefit from the advantages that only comes from having a trusted expert PCM Partner on their team. These advantages include customized personal support, targeted plans and project management, rapid responsiveness, and communication that informs, educates and empowers. None of these are available with mere “providers,” who take a flawed cookie-cutter template approach, and who lack the expertise, resources and capacity to be little more than glorified order takers.
So with seven clear reasons why, when it comes to PCM, it’s either “go expert or go home,” the only remaining piece of the puzzle is the one that pulls everything together – the one that makes all of these advantages and benefits come to life and achieve results. That piece is called CastleCS.
CastleCS: Vancouver’s Expert Professional Content Management Partner
At CastleCS, we’re Vancouver’s trusted, proven and experienced expert PCM Partner. We have the in-house systems, technology, tools, personnel and resources to help our clients separate themselves from the pack, add desirable high-margin new customers, and elevate to the next level.
For us, delivering cost-effective and results-focused PCM for our clients isn’t a journey into uncharted territory that we map as we go along. It’s terrain that we’ve crossed many, many times. We know the secret paths, the hidden treasures and little-known short cuts – just as we know the zones to steer clear of, and the traps to avoid.
Contact us and discover how we’ll put our proven PCM expertise to work for your business. Click here to schedule your free consultation.