We are staying open! to help small businesses, to serve our community, & to give back in this uncertain time

Christmas Promotion Opt-In Form

In order to send out your Christmas Promotion, please fill out the following information.

[contact-form 4 “Christmas Promotion Opt-in Form”]

Step 3: HTML Email List

If you have never sent out an HTML email with CastleCS before, we require a list of your patients who have provided their email address and have agreed to receive emails from your dental clinic.

To create this list, follow the directions below:

  1. From any computer at the clinic running Tracker, in Tracker go to Reports | Other | Customized Report
  2. From the Report screen, click the Open button
  3. In the select screen, click on the file called Patients with email addresses and choose Open. This should populate the list of clients sorted by last name.
  4. Once the list is showing, click the Save to File button
  5. Choose the destination location, (eg. save to your desktop) and enter a file name but be sure to put “.XLS” at the end (eg. Patient List.xls), so it can be opened easily by excel.

After you have saved the file, email the excel sheet to liana@castlecs.com.