We are staying open! to help small businesses, to serve our community, & to give back in this uncertain time

The CastleCS Story

The CastleCS Story: From Frustration to Celebration


Move Over, Necessity

It’s been said that “necessity is the mother of invention.” And while that’s evidently true, there’s another parent of invention that’s a bit less well known: frustration!

You see, back before CastleCS was born, company Founder and CEO Roger W. Graham, PhD., kept hearing the same thing again and again from his network of entrepreneurs and business leaders: “we’re tired of being taken to the cleaners by flaky marketing consultants, companies and agencies.”  

In other words, they were frustrated – beyond belief! – with so-called marketing “gurus” who not only lacked competence and expertise, but also lacked vision, commitment and values as well.

And so, after hearing marketing and advertising horror stories from people who thought they were buying peace of mind but instead were lying awake in bed anxious and alarmed, Roger decided to solve this problem in the best, smartest and most helpful way that he knew how: by creating the solution himself.

A New Kind of Marketing and Advertising Company

To start with, Roger’s first order of business was to completely reject the old-fashioned assembly line marketing and advertising agency approach — an approach built on the notion of “getting clients in and getting clients out” as quickly as possible, regardless of performance, results or service.

Rather, Roger’s new kind of marketing and advertising company would recruit passionate and like-minded experts from both the business and creative worlds, and through their synergy, deliver extraordinary business solutions built for performance.

This new kind of company would scour the offline and online marketplace for leading edge best practices in marketing, advertising, communication, sales, promotion, public relations and digital media, and use them to help clients thrive and succeed in the new economy.

And this new kind of company would also be driven by a relentless commitment to innovation and constant improvement, inspired by a “get-it-done” client-focused attitude, structured to deliver “1-stop” solutions that maximize efficiency and accountability, and have deep roots in family values and the community.

Ultimately, this vision became the genesis — and the rallying cry for — CastleCS. It was bold. It was risky. It was even audacious. And it worked.

A new kind of marketing and advertising company was born.

Growth and Evolution

Since its remarkable beginnings, CastleCS has grown and evolved quarter after quarter, and year after year – even as the economy tightened, and as marketing and advertising agencies shrunk and disappeared in record numbers. While they vanished, CastleCS thrived, as did its growing roster of satisfied clients.

And today, whether it’s by celebrating client successes, crafting client-focused strategies and tactics, or telling compelling client stories through websites, branding, signage, print collateral, radio advertising, social media, video, search marketing, events and much more, the CastleCS team continues to set the standard for what a marketing and advertising company should be — and for what high performance clients have always deserved, and now, can confidently expect.

From frustration to celebration, the CastleCS story is about vision, service, success, and taking clients to the next level in their business.

Thank you for sharing in our story. We look forward to writing the next chapters with you!