As a dentist, your goal is to take your dental practice to the NEXT LEVEL — but how do you get there, and which way do you go? Read on, and I’ll share with you one of the best kept secrets on how to get there rapidly and profitably.
As you know, Treatment Plans help you build solutions around the unique needs of your patients in a clear, organized, valuable and affordable way. And in the same light, a Dental Marketing Plan does exactly the same thing for your practice:
Clear: Just like Treatment Plans, your Dental Marketing Plan must be clear and understandable. Even if your strategies are complex or multi-faceted, you need to be able to “pull it up” anytime and see where you’ve been, where you’re going, and where you are.
Organized: Just like Treatment Plans, your Dental Marketing Plan must achieve organizational excellence. All of your marketing strategies and tactics must be progressively elaborated upon. A disorganized Dental Marketing Plan is a money pit waiting to hatch open and swallow your practice.
Valuable: Just like Treatment Plans, your Dental Marketing Plan must be valuable. Everything on it has to make financial sense, and answer an ROI challenge (obviously with more R than I).
Affordable: A Treatment Plan must be affordable by your patients, and your Dental Marketing Plan must be affordable by you. If that affordability isn’t there, it’s a financial disaster waiting to happen.
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Explore these criteria in-depth and understand how creating a potent and efficient Dental Marketing Plan is your key to taking your practice to the NEXT LEVEL. Click here to read the full article.