We are staying open! to help small businesses, to serve our community, & to give back in this uncertain time

100k Contest Opt-In Form

123Dentist 100,000 AirMiles Marketing Kit

$199 +HST Marketing Package Includes:
1. Co-Branded 17″ x 11″ Color Window Display Poster for Practice – Sample
2. Co-Branded 8.5″x11″ Color Flyer for Reception Desk Display Stand – Sample
3. 100K Contest Logo will be placed on HomePage of Practice Website linked to Practice 100K Contest Entry Form
4. Branded 100K Contest Entry Form Page will be created for Practice Website that includes Bonus Code for patients to earn 5x entries
5. 100K Contest Ad will be placed on Promo Page of Practice Website and Promo Page of Practice Facebook Page linked to Practice Contest Entry Form*

To request Package please fill in form below:

[contact-form 6 “100k Promo – Opt-in 2”]

* if Practice doesn’t have Promo Pages set up for Website and Facebook there will be a 1 time set up charge of $75 +HST for each. Facebook Promo Page will be created as a “Like Us to Reveal Promotions” page.